“Graphic design will save the world, right after rock and roll does.”
- David Carson -A logo and corporate branding project including a fully customized and integrated, mobile-friendly Content Management System (CMS) for a fundraising event for a non-profit organization.
A logo made exclusively for a craft beer contest for an old High School friend looking to solidify a place in the craft brewing industry.
A sister brand concept developed for a brand specializing in socially responsible canine accessories.
A logo from a rebrand project aimed at reclaiming marketshare for a legacy pet technology brand.
A logo for a Semi-Pro/Professional mobile eSports gaming team with a focus on competitive mobile MOBA video games. The flame mark illustration was done by Ariel Smith.
A start-up non-profit involved in giving video gamers and gaming families a voice and community in context of the video game industries.
A startup technology company focused on being a resource and entry point to both analog and digital games and activities.
A logo for a product invention called Bat Bud with an Americana baseball theme.
A bio-tech logo for a company in the medical data storage industry.
A logo for a VoIP app based in the South Pacific.
A logo for a flagship product with a custom brand-in-a-box concept done for start1up.com.
A logo for a startup company looking to sell branded web portals with fully branded and integrated CMS platforms.
A logo for a startup cookie business, that wanted a millenial friendly concept and brand to launch their business in Southern California.
A logo for a sister brand app under the Postage Anywhere umbrella.
A custom signage logo for a small donut shop in Long Beach, California.
A logo for a legacy Pennsylvania based antiques shop and bed and breakfast business.
A launch logo for a successful wine bar located on Sunset Boulevard in Hollywood, California.
A logo for a non-profit with a mission of building schools in underserved African nations.
A logo for NUVOtv's initiative to launch an English speaking American Latino kids program.
An adult film logo targeted towards females from a female owned production company.
A rebrand logo concept for a national VoIP business based in Los Angeles.